RIgo Florez

Department of Mathematical SciencesThe Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina
Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar 
rigo.florez@citadel.edu(843) 953-5034

Research Interest

I specialize in Combinatorics, with a particular focus on graphs, algebraically representable matroids, harmonic matroids, biased graphs, and enumerative combinatorics. Additionally, I have a keen interest in elementary number theory.

Recent Talks

NY Combinatorics seminar.pdf

Some enumerations on non-decreasing Dyck paths.

A Connection Between Fibonacci Identities and Abstract Algebra

Enumerating Symmetric and Asymmetric Peaks in Dyck paths

Some Enumerations On Non-Decreasing Dyck Paths

Divisibility properties of some generalized Fibonacci numbers

The 2022 BUGCAT 

November 5-6, 2022